A couple of weeks back BEIRUTSTATEofMIND went exploring pon de Green Line,that separated East and West Beirut during Lebanon's Civil War, and happened upon the below photographed building just up the road from the famously feuding falafel brothers Sayhoun on the Eastern fringe of Downtown.
Inside the building an array of hastily scribed love notes stood alongside more political motifs, decaying furniture, sand bags and old sniper spots - testament to the building's front line location during Lebanon's Civil War and consequent lodgers who have passed through the long neglected structure...
Small Tree, 5th floor, Old Green Line, March 2013. |
Jerry Cans, Old Green Line, March 2013. |
"Abu Shanur", Old Green Line, March 2013. |
Sandbags on upper floors, Old Green Line, March 2013. |
قناص , Old Green Line, March 2013. |
قناص (2, Old Green Line, March 2013. |
The heart loves, Old Green Line, March 2013. |
In remembrance of ... Nobilis, Maison d'etition, Old Green Line, March 2013. |
Mainly gibberish, Old Green Line, March 2013. |
Old Candidate, Green Line, March 2013. |
"from the Lebanese Forces": (reads) The Salvation of Lebanese Christians. On the path of Sheikh Bashir (Gemayel), long live Doctor
Samir Geagea - Saviour of Lebanon, and to all that collaborate with Syria -my boot, The Lebanese Forces will decide Lebanon's Future.
Signed "Menahim Peres" , Shalom, Long Live Lebanon.
Old Green Line, March 2013. |
SAKO: Love odes and political profanities. Geagea's name appears one again, alongside a scribble that best be translated as "Fuck the (Palestinian) Intifada." Old Green Line, March 2013. |
Old Bed pushed up against open door way. Old Green Line, March 2013. |
Chairs... Nobilis, Maison d'etition, Old Green Line, March 2013. |
Fucked TV, Old Green Line, March 2013. |
wicked photos